Add a review about the Devil's fortification in Yelabuga

You are in the Elabuga fort, so you've come to visit the devil! Do not be afraid, these are just legends . And that's what the story says . In the Bulgarian period, 10-14th centuries, there was a strong point of the Bulgarians in the eastern Pre-Kama . All that is left today of the cultural monument is stone tower . In 1844, she collapsed . remained standing only a small northern section with an arched doorway and window above it, there is still preserved the original masonry of the roughest stones and mortar with alabaster . After ten years, at the initiative of the Yelabuga chapter And . In Shishkin ., the collapsed tower was restored appearing on the old foundation and covered with iron . In 2007, the tower again put in order: changed the roof, cleaned, constructed entrance gate, picket fence, paved walkways along the slope, installed benches . Mound is under UNESCO protection .

To believe in local legends or not, it's up to you to decide, but to rise to the site of the fortress it is worth at least for the sake of an excellent panoramic view of the city.

How to get to Chertovy fortifications

Travelers from the capital are best chosen this way: by plane to Nizhnekamsk - the ticket will cost about 4 000 rubles her, from there either by bus or by taxi to Yelabuga . The road is not very long, about 60 km . From Elabuga itself to mound there goes minibus No. 1 . You need to get off the track and climb it up . Take into account - the staircase is tortuous and rather long, advice - put on comfortable shoes . If you travel by car, it's better to drive from the Upper Town, from Neftyanikov Prospekt, past the Zhamig mosque to Gorodishche restaurant . From him walk about 300 meters .

"Devil's fortification" - a well of legends

Why Chertovo, ask the same question about tourism s . As a response, guides and local residents offer several legends . One of them was told by a Russian traveler Nikolai Petrovich Rychkov . He investigated the site of ancient settlement . So, according to his legend, earlier on this place stood the temple of the ancient (or devil) . He was known throughout the region for his predictions, to him were all those who wished to know the fate . As a payment for the prophecies of the serpent human sacrifices were made . Before that , as the Bulgarian kingdom was destroyed, the snake suddenly disappeared . Soon the people became the same rtvoy powerful enemy .

Yelabuga and Devil's Mound

About the demonic origin of the settlement show and write Russian priest Ivan Glazatov . 20 years he spent in captivity and Kazan wrote "Kazan History", which refers to the city of devils on the high bank of the Kama . Here is another legend, obligatory for the story of tourists . Like the princess of the priest's daughter, he wanted to marry her . Pop went to the trick: ordered before dawn to build a white-stone church on the banks of the Kama . Devil , no matter how hard I tried, Soror did not have time dit roof and a cross, with a cry of roosters building collapsed, and since then the river is strewn with huge rocks .

Which legend to believe or not to believe at all, you decide. But to visit this monument is definitely, at least because of the beautiful panoramic view of Yelabuga!

Prices are per March 2013.

 View of the Devil's mound in Yelabuga Ferris
on the Devil's fort view
 Yelabuga Yelabuga settlement Ferris Ferris
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