March 1
Weather in Yelabuga Clear

-2 ° С in the afternoon, -12 ° С at night, FROMwater

2nd of March
Weather in Yelabuga Clear

0 ° C in the afternoon, -9 ° С at night, FROMwater

March, 3rd
Weather in Yelabuga Clear

-3 ° C in the afternoon, -8 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 4
Weather in Yelabuga Clear

-3 ° C in the afternoon, -12 ° С at night, FROMwater

5th of March
Weather in Yelabuga Mainly cloudy

-5 ° С in the afternoon, -11 ° С at night, FROMwater

March, 6
Weather in Yelabuga Mainly cloudy

-7 ° С in the afternoon, -13 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 7
Weather in Yelabuga Cloudy

-3 ° C in the afternoon, -11 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 8
Weather in Yelabuga Mainly cloudy

+1 ° C in the afternoon, -5 ° С at night, FROMwater

9th of March
Weather in Yelabuga Cloudy, light snow

0 ° C in the afternoon, -2 ° С at night, FROMwater

10th of March
Weather in Yelabuga Clear

0 ° C in the afternoon, -6 ° С at night, FROMwater

11th of March
Weather in Yelabuga Clear

-2 ° С in the afternoon, -9 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 12
Weather in Yelabuga Clear

-2 ° С in the afternoon, -10 ° С at night, FROMwater

March 13
Weather in Yelabuga Clear

-2 ° С in the afternoon, -6 ° С at night, FROMwater

Weather in Yelabuga
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Weather in Yelabuga
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Weather in Yelabuga by months

Average monthly temperature, ° C
Jan Feb Mar Apr MayJun Jul Aug sen Oct but IDec
in the afternoon -eleven-9-2 +8 +19 +22 +25 +23 +16 +6 -2 -7
at night-17 -16-9-1+8 +12 +14 +12 +7 +1@@-6 -12

Weather in Yelabuga does not disturb local residents with natural elements .There are almost no abnormal frosts, no prolonged rains, no exhausting heat .The weather in the Elabuga region is determined by the dominance of the temperate continental climate, which is characterized by stable temperature changes without sharp fluctuations and a distinct division of seasons .As elsewhere, there are cold weather, hot days also occur, but the air temperature still remains within the climatic norm .The average annual air temperature in Elabuga and its environs is +4 ° C, and the average annual precipitation amounts to 550 mm .In this area, southern and western winds prevail with an average annual speed of 3, 6 m / s .

The weather in the Elabuga region is determined by the dominance of a temperate continental climate.

Winter in Yelabuga is usually long, often mild, snowy, and quite comfortably tolerated .Snow falls in early December, covering everything around with large snowdrifts and creating in the city an amazing fairytale atmosphere .By the end of the month, the snow cover reaches a height of 55-60 cm .Elabuga reservoirs are covered with a solid and thick layer of ice in winter, which is retained until the middle of spring .First, ice appears on lakes and small ponds, while the rivers freeze later .The average temperature in January, the coldest month, ranges from -13 ... -15 ° C, the days when the thermometer falls below -27 ... -30 ° C, happen much less often, but thaws come to the region regularly .

Spring in these parts, as they say, amicable: comes swiftly and immediately enters into its rights .In spring, especially in March, the weather in Elabuga is often cloudy, rainy and slushy .The middle of spring is marked by the end of the melting of snow and an increase in the number of sunny days .As for air temperature, in March, even in the daytime hours, the mercury column still holds in the region of negative values ​​and zero, in April the thermometer shows an average of +8 ° C in the daytime and about 0 ° C, and by May the air warms up to +17 ° C at daytime and cool down to 8 ° C at night .

In late spring the city is literally transformed: trees are everywhere green, flowers blossom, birds sing and a pleasant romantic atmosphere reigns.

Summer in Yelabuga is usually quite warm, arid, but, unfortunately, fleeting. The rains here are few, and if they do happen, they usually pass in the form of short-term showers with thunderstorms. Of course, this can not but rejoice the citizens, but it gives some inconvenience to those who prefer to spend vacations in the garden plots. The warmest month is July with an average air temperature of +22 ... +24 ° C, very slightly inferior to June, which is characterized by +19 ... + 21 ° C.

These two summer months are especially favorable for tourist trips. In the summer heat the local population pours out on the nearby beaches located on the banks of the Kama.

The autumn weather in Yelabuga does not take long to wait. Autumn, as, indeed, spring, comes to the region abruptly and brings with it low clouds, prolonged drizzling rain and piercing winds, leaving the sunny and dry weather only a few days in early September. In the middle of autumn, the thermometer is kept at an average of +6 ° C in the daytime and only +1 ° C at night, and in November in Elabuga frosts already occur, the average air temperature in the daytime is -2 ° C, and at night -6 ° C