Add a review about the parks Night Safari and River Safari

Night Safari Park was opened in 1994 and by now became the 11-time winner of the "Best Country Attractions" award from the State Tourism Committee . This is the first park in the world that is intended solely for studying and showing nightlife to visitors . Here the Malay tigers, Asian elephants, Malay tapirs, mottled cats-anglers and Asian lions are actively working to save species at risk . And the guests receive a unique opportunity to find in the active phase of those animals that day in the usual zoo peacefully sleep before visitors or even hide from the eyes .

There are special options for lovers of eating well at night in the park.

In the park live about two half a thousand animals of almost one hundred and fifty different species . All this diversity of fauna is distributed in seven zones, each of which corresponds to one of the geographical regions of the world . This is both Asian forests of the river coastal strip, and the foothills of the Himalayas, and equatorial Africa, and valleys re to Nepal . The territory of the park is quite large, and the tramcar with an excursion travels around it for 35 minutes . Upon request, you can also book an individual safari tour . There are four routes for hiking, each of which runs through the habitats of a certain groups of animals such as leopards, speckled cats or Australian wallabies .

The park is open for visits at 19:30 and closes at midnight

In the Night Safari Park there are entertainment programs, night shows and public food of large predatory cats. For fans of a good meal for the night, special options are invented. You can try local delicacies in a restaurant in the setting of a traditional village or order a gourmet party for a group in a moving safari express

Park Night Safari
You can not see how tigers and lions are fed every night, but only in certain days of the week

Similarly to the Night Safari park, the River Safari Park is designed to study and acquaint the public with river biogeocenoses, their flora and fauna. This is the most recent Wildlife Reserves Singapore project and the first such one in Asia. It is located between the Night Safari and the Singapore Zoo. Here is the world's largest freshwater aquarium, and you can meet more than 6000 animals of river ecosystems

The coastal and water zones of the world's greatest rivers are modeled in the park: Ganges, Nile, Mekong, Murray, Yangtze, Mississippi . For each of the rivers you can take a ride on a boat, admiring at the same time, whoever is lucky: African alligators, Australian barracudas, Indian ghawals, American beavers or Asian sharks . For a fee, you can participate in the Amazon quest - that is, again ride the river on the boat from the river To see on the shore tapirs, jaguars, giant anteaters, small coats, thick capybars, boar bakers or imperial tamarins with luxurious hussar mustaches . In addition to the rivers, as such, there are areas of the Amazon wet forests, forests of giant pandas and monkeys of saimiri .

In the forest zone of giant pandas you can see not only the black and white bears that are familiar to all (it is something like a mascot of the entire River Safari Park), but also their smaller and juicyly colored relatives - golden pandas. By the way, they are not alike at all.