Most tourists at least once lost their luggage

62% of tourists lost their personal belongings at least once time of travel - this is the statistics of the survey conducted by our portal. At the same time, about a third of those who ever lost their things did it three or more times.

It is most worthwhile to be in the places of residence - 45% of vacationers forget their personal belongings there. 23% of scattered tourists leave their luggage in public places, and 21% - in transport.

As a rule, lost things belong to the middle price category. Expensive things, such as laptops or mobile phones, on trips lost only 10% of respondents. Most often, Russians lose their belongings in Turkey and Egypt, which is understandable, because these are the most popular destinations for our compatriots.

Lucky people who ever found valuable things among Russians were fewer - only 22% of tourists found a forgotten baggage or money. Most often things were found again in the places of residence - this was the answer 36% of those who found other people's things answered. Most of the finds were found in Russia, Thailand and Turkey.

July 8, 2014
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