6 The aircraft dropped by one and a half kilometer

The plane of the Indian airline Jet Airways (Jet Airways), which came from Mumbai to Brussels, unexpectedly reduced the altitude when flying in Turkish airspace.

As it turned out, the flight altitude fell by one and a half kilometer due to the fact that the pilot decided to take a nap, and his assistant was too enthusiastic about his tablet and did not notice the decrease.

The pilots realized that something was wrong, only having received an emergency call from the air traffic controller of Ankara airport, which asked for information, why the liner began to decrease. This oversight was very dangerous, as Turkey's airspace is now overcrowded due to the fact that many carriers are trying to fly around Ukraine and Iraq.

However, the pilot did not report the incident of the Civil Aviation of India, and the Director General of the Service learned about the incident from an anonymous text message.

Currently, pilots are suspended from flights until the investigation is completed. "The commander of the ship must make a break for sleep during long flights in accordance with aviation standards. At this time, his assistant should guide the flight, "the representatives of the Civil Aviation of India specified.

August 15, 2014
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