In Ukraine, that neither city - so tourist Mecca. Chernigov is no exception. This city of folk tales, drowning in the summer in greenery, was the second after Kiev in Russia. And today there is a "smell" of Europe, despite the abundance of domes and crosses.


  • 1 How to call
  • 2 How to get to Chernigov
    • 2.1 Search for air tickets to the city Kiev (nearest a / n to Chernigov)
  • 3 Cafes and restaurants of Chernigov
    • 3.1 Shade
    • 3.2 Fisherman's hut
    • 3.3 Falvarek
  • 4 Entertainment, excursions and attractions Chernigov
    • 4.1 Spassky Cathedral
    • 4.2 Borisoglebsk Cathedral
    • 4.3 Ekaterininskaya Church
    • 4.4 Red Square
    • 4.5 @ Yeletsky and Troitsko-Ilyinsky monasteries
  • 5 Museums of Chernigov
    • 5.1 Also we recommend

How to call

+ 380 462 (2) - number te lefona

How to get to Chernigov

Train to Chernigov leaves Kievsky railway station in Moscow daily . On the road you will spend the night, a little more than 13 hours . The coupe costs about 3000 rubles, the reserved car - from 1600 rubles . You can also get there by bus . The most convenient one is a direct minibus that runs from Teply Stan station . Ticket price - 1800 rubles per adult . There is another option with a transfer in Gomel: there to wait for the next bus will only have 1, 5 hours, unlike the way through Kiev, and the whole road will take you 16 and a half hours . Directly to Chernigov not to fly: you will first have to board an airplane at any Moscow airport, spend an hour and a half on the way, and then change to a minibus in Kiev . Until the evening they leave every hour from the hotel "Ukraine", from the cinema " Friendship cinema ", from the stop" Raybolnitsa ". From Kiev to Chernigov - 155 km .

Search for tickets to the city of Kiev (the nearest a / n to Chernigov)

Cafe and restaurants of Chernigov

In Chernigov is revered by tradition, and here you will find a decent national cuisine - vareniki with the most inconceivable fillings, a pork knife and mushrooms soup with croutons and bacon ... institutions - hundreds to choose you

Chernigov borscht and dumplings with the most incredible stuffed -. without trying them leave Chernihiv you can not!


At this cafe (2, Preobrazhenskaya Street), next to the Concert Hall, we advise you to stop at a break between sightseeing. Dense food here is unlikely to succeed (except that the paste to order), but to drink excellent coffee and have a bite of pancakes or cakes - quite! In addition, the interior here pleases the eye - it's a confectionery-gallery, otherwise you will not say. The prices are acceptable, for the Muscovites so generally pleasant.

Fisherman's hut

You can try the dishes of Ukrainian cuisine in this restaurant on the bank of the Desna (Shevchenko str., 103). He is in the hotel district of Chernigov, near the center. In addition to delicious and fresh food, there are guest houses and a sauna. Of the minuses - noisy in the evening.


This pub is located next to the Red Square (Mira Avenue, 20/1). Beer lovers and snacks will be good here. If you are that fan, then you will not regret it: prices are 1, 5 times lower than Kiev

Entertainment, excursions and attractions of Chernigov

Any guide will tell you: acquaintance with the city should start with Vala - the former Chernigov detinets, the ancient prince's court. It is the spiritual and administrative center of the city. It is here that the largest number of historical buildings and museums are concentrated.

Spassky Cathedral

Spassky Cathedral - the oldest surviving in Russia. It was founded in the 11th century by the first known Prince of Chernigov, Mstislav the Brave - the son of the Baptist of Russia Vladimir Svyatoslavich. Since 1967, the Spassky Cathedral - as part of the National Architectural Historical Reserve "Chernigov old-time."


Borisoglebsky Cathedral

Borisoglebsky Cathedral was built around 1123, dedicated to the heavenly patrons of the Yaroslavichy family and was conceived as an honorable burial vault . The temple costs only tens of meters from the Spassky Cathedral . Originally there were palace constructions between them, from which there was nothing left, except the archaeological base . During its existence the Boris and Gleb Cathedral was repeatedly and now it is rebuilt . Today it is a museum, concerts of sacred music are held here and there are two permanent exhibitions: "The fresco of Chernihiv temples" and "The architecture and craft of Chernihiv 11-13 centuries" .

Chernigov Spassky Cathedral - the oldest surviving in Russia. It was built in the 11th century by Prince Mstislav the Brave, the son of Vladimir Yasnoe Solnyshko

Ekaterininskaya Church

Extraordinary beauty, this church is located on a high promontory and is separated from Val by a ravine. It is considered a visiting card of Chernigov, although it was built much later than Spassky and Borisoglebsky - in the 18th century, on the remains of a medium-sized temple of the times of Kievan Rus. Now in the church you can see an exhibition of folk decorative Ukrainian art

Krasnaya square

Yes, Chernigov also has its own square, and it is also red. From the beginning of the 19th century to the present day it is the administrative and cultural center of the city. You can get to the square from the Catherine's church by the Alley of Heroes decorated with fountains. Previously, this place was called the Pyatnitsky field. The name comes from the nearby St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa church, built at the end of the 12th century

Sand City

Yeletsky and Troitsko-Ilyinsky Monasteries

The origin of both monasteries is associated with the name of the Monk Anthony of Pechersky . In the Old Russian times they were located outside the city . The Yeletsky Monastery, located closer to the center, includes the Assumption Cathedral built in the 12th century, the bell tower, cells, the Peter and Paul Church and the stone fence . Also on the territory there is still a single tree (the end of the 17th century) . The well-known dungeons of the monastery appeared not earlier than the 18th century . There are several other historic buildings nearby: a prison castle built in 1803-1806, and a two-story building of the former men's school . Here, opposite the monastery fence, a huge earth embankment rises . This is one of the most famous ancient pagan burial mounds - the "Black Grave" . According to legend, the founder of Chernigov prince Cherniy @ was buried underneath it. . Although the excavations proved, that kurga was built in the 10th century, when Chernigov already existed .

Troitsko-Ilyinsky Monastery is located on Boldina Hill (the name originated from the Old Russian "bold" - oak) . Historians do not exclude that in the pre-Christian times on the mountain was the temple of the Slavic god Perun . At first the monastery was a cave one, then there was erected a one-head Iljin church, in a reconstructed form preserved to our days . Next to it is the entrance to the famous Anthony caves - they are open for tourists . At the end of the 17th century on a spacious site on the west side of Ilya the church began to erect a grandiose architectural complex led by the Trinity Cathedral, consecrated in 1695 . He also gave a modern name to the monastery

Museums of Chernigov

For the lovers of historical treasures under glass, seasoned with the stories of the guide - several good museums Chernigov. This is the historical name of Tarnovsky, and the military and artistic name Galagan, and the literary Kotsyubinsky.

Prices are indicated in March 2013. Photo by Chernigov (15)