The landowner Mieleko founded in the second half of the 19th century a fishing artel on the shore of the Sea of ​​Azov, and named after himself - Melekino. For a long time this fishing village remained unremarkable and quiet. But then in the life of the village there were abrupt changes: it turned out that he was in an ecologically clean area, on the very shore of the Azov Sea, and surrounded by picturesque surroundings. A gentle approach to the sea, a mild climate, an abundance of local fruits, vegetables and dairy products made the village one of the recreation centers with children.

At the bottom of the sea there is neither silt nor stones, which makes entering the water safe.

How to get here

To this we must add that it is quite easy to get to Melekino: from Mariupol Railway Station it is 15 km away, connected with Mariupol by bus service, and with Donetsk - by minibuses. It is quite possible to reach and by taxi, but this method will be much more expensive to cost.

Search for tickets to the city of Donetsk (the nearest a / p to Melekino)


Among the great advantages of the region is a temperate continental climate, to which it is easy to adapt .This summer comes here from the second half of May, the number of sunny days per year is not inferior to the Crimea .Since in this part the Sea of ​​Azov is very shallow (only 100 meters from the shore the depth begins to exceed 1, 5 meters), the water warms up quickly and well, by mid-May its temperature exceeds 20 degrees, and in the high season reaches 26-28 degrees .In combination with the wide golden sandy beaches, this will bring a lot of joy to those who chose for themselves holiday in Melekino .

Pensions and hotels Melekino

Currently, the settlement with a population of just over 1000 people is the center of a fairly extensive Azov resort area, which includes about a hundred boarding houses, rest houses and tourist mini-hotels, almost all of them are located 20-200 meters from the sea edge, which is very attractive for holidaymakers .It is unlikely that you can find a luxurious suite here, but high-quality rooms with an interesting design, competent service and a buffet-style meal are offered by many hotels and boarding houses .There are among them and focused specifically on family vacations, offering appropriate room layout and a special children's menu .

Popular and so-called guest houses: small cottages, which are convenient to rent for a large company .The equipment in them is also focused on the presence of children .A lot of private housing offers, you can always find it, the prices are very low, but most likely it will be a summer house, minimally equipped for reception of guests, comfort and finding will have to forget for a while .Most of the boarding houses are not open all year round, and from May to October, while the holiday season lasts, for the remaining months the resort "hibernates", and even private housing is difficult to find is problematic .

Map of Melekino

Beaches Melekino

The beaches have a developed infrastructure: a lot of water attractions, hire boats and scooters, catamarans, a parachute to the services of tourists. With all responsibility in the resort area are related to security: the sea is the sea, even if it is shallow.

Markets and restaurants

In the center of the village there are many cafes, restaurants, bars, clubs, the doors of which are open to guests .The menu is quite diverse, the emphasis is on using local products .Recently, more and more catering enterprises are oriented to the European level of service, many of these are doing quite well .From entertainment in the center of the city lunapark, karting, slot machines, in the evenings - discos .Some of the boarding houses are departmental, in large there are show programs and similar events .A lot of holidaymakers stroll in the evenings along the sea, where you can hear amateur singers, and admire a small representation of street artists .There are several markets in the village .Their picturesqueness and wonderful aromas of southern fruits attract both buyers and simply curious, because the southern market is, it can be said, a kind of urban subculture .Unfortunately, Melekino can not boast of architectural monuments or sights, therefore there are no other leisure options at the resort .

Rest in Melekino in boarding house "Uyut"

Melekino and Euro 2012

New prospects in the development of the resort are associated with the holding of the European Football Championship in Ukraine: from 11 to 27 June in Donetsk will host Euro 2012 matches. Taking into account the fact that foreign guests need to be entertained, and Melekino is the closest resort to Donetsk, it is expected that many guests and participants of the championship will want to at least get acquainted with the coast of the Azov Sea and visit Melekino.