What language is spoken in Cuba?

Responsible information department of the "Tourism Subtlety"
Cuba refers to countries whose official language is Spanish . Before the Spanish colonists arrived on the island, the Indians lived on it, but their language of influence on speech descendants did not have . But slaves from Africa, French, German, Italian and American immigrants have contributed to what is now commonly called Cuban dialect or Cuban Spanish (Español cubano) . Differences from, say, the mother language, there are also quite significant, for example, the nuances of the total absence of the plural of the second person's pronoun . But let the tourist not be alarmed: on Freedom Island, many speak also in French, English and even Russian - in memory of the close ties of Cuba and the Soviet Union . But if learn a few phrases from a Russian-Spanish phrase book, then respect for you local people will increase many times .

July 20, 2011

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