How to get from the airport in Rimini to Cazal Borsetti?

Answer Petrenko Nadezhda, Russian Express
At the Rimini railway station, you need to take the train to Ravenna, the journey time is about 50 minutes. In Ravenna you need to change the bus. The railway and bus stations are very near, 5 minutes walk. From Stazione Fs Viale Maroncelli you need to take the number 90 bus, on the way about 40 minutes. Your stop is C.bor Spallazzi FR Centro Sp or C.bor v. Scariolanti - P. Reno.
Answer Elena Gordienko, ClickVoyage
Before Casal Borsetti, you can get there by train from Rimini central station to Ravenna. Further by Bus Linea 90 Ravenna-Porto Corsini-Marina Romea - Casal Borsetti

March 4, 2014

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