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One of the hallmarks of Amsterdam is its canals, forming four concentric half rings encircling the Old Town. For them, as well as for more than 1500 bridges and about 90 the island of Amsterdam and received its nickname "Northern Venice." The first channel of Amsterdam was Singel, surrounding the city in the Middle Ages. The second of the four main canals of Amsterdam was Herengracht, followed by the construction of Keizersgracht and Prinsengracht, the longest of Amsterdam's canals

All the canals of Amsterdam are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and famous for their many beautiful sights.

Continuing to the main channels New Herengracht, New Keizersgracht and New Prinsengracht were dug. Thus, the city acquired the outlines of the crescent, which persisted until the second half of the 19th century, when its next expansion was undertaken.

All the canals of Amsterdam are listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and famous for their many beautiful sights. Singel - houses built during the "Golden Age" of Holland, and Herengracht, Keizersgracht and Prinsengracht - with their beautiful mansions

Amsterdam's canals
 The Keizersgracht Canal, Amsterdam  Channels Amsterdam
Canzersgracht canal
 Canal of Prinsengracht, Amsterdam  Amsterdam's canals
Prinsengracht canal
 Herengracht canal, Amsterdam  Amsterdam's canals
Caner Canal Graht
 Canal Singel, Amsterdam  Amsterdam Channels
Singel Channel
 One of the channels in the winter, Amsterdam  Amsterdam's canals
One of the channels in winter

Reviews of Amsterdam's channels (4)

Evaluation 10

Amsterdam's canals - one from the main attractions of the capital of the Netherlands April 14, 2014

was here in November 2012
To visit Amsterdam is the dream of millions of people, because the city is famous for its romantic atmosphere and is liberated awns. Many tourists plan to visit the famous Red Light Street, visit the erotic museum and take a boat ride through the numerous canals of Amsterdam, listed in the UNESCO World Cultural Heritage List. The most interesting and large channels are rightly considered Singel, Herengracht, Keizersgracht and Prinsengracht. They are included in the program of almost all tours of Amsterdam ... Read the whole review
 Amsterdam's canals  Amsterdam's canals  Amsterdam's canals  Amsterdam's canals
Evaluation 10

Channels-channels 30 January 2014

was here in August 2011
Amsterdam - An amazing city! The amazing architecture, the structure of the streets, amazing local residents - yes, in general, the whole atmosphere here is somehow different! A special charm gives Amsterdam its channels. The city is simply riddled with these water streams and bridges through canals, through which the surprised tourists and friendly locals walk leisurely. Of course, for someone who has ever been to St. Petersburg, maybe it will not seem so spectacular, but I still have these canals in the curiosity .... Read the full review
 Amsterdam's canals  Amsterdam's canals  Amsterdam's canals
Evaluation 10

Main city transport - boats and bicycles 13 November 2013

was here in November 2011
I would like to live here because it's nice, free, beautiful, and most importantly quiet. A lot of bridges, a lot of channels, one more beautiful than the other. All houses, like painted - neat and colorful.
I really liked the walk on the ship on the channel Singel. What stunning views open from there! If desired, such a trip, more accurately swimming, can be combined with a pleasant dinner, in the same place, on the boat. And if you're lucky enough to swim there in the evening, then the pictures are simply amazing! We rode ... Read the whole review
 Amsterdam's canals  Amsterdam's canals  Amsterdam's canals  Amsterdam's canals
@ Evaluation 9

Ride on the boat hop-on-hop-off Boat 07 November 2013

was here in August 2012
In the capital of the Netherlands - Amsterdam, I was in August 2012. This city is famous not only for many known freedom, the street of Red Lanterns, beautiful architecture, the Van Gogh Museum, but also the canals, which in Amsterdam are many. Probably one of the best opportunities to look at these channels is the purchase of a hop-on-hop-off Boat ticket. These ships travel on several routes through the main attractions of the Netherlands. You can get off the ship at one of the 18 stops .... Read the full review
 Amsterdam Channels  Amsterdam Channels  Amsterdam Channels