1 Wonders of Photoshop

Student Silla van den Bourne spent five weeks uploading photos from the holidays to social networks, which, she claimed, she spent in Southeast Asia.

In fact, the girl all this time was at home, in Amsterdam, deftly using Photoshop and spreading beautiful photos on Facebook and Instagram. "I did this in order to show how we filter information, spread it on social networks. We create an ideal world, which in reality is impossible, "- so the student explained her deed.

The family spent a student at the airport, where she took a train and returned to Amsterdam, spending the next 35 days editing photos. "The goal of my idea was to prove how often and easily people manipulate and distort reality," the girl says. For 5 weeks, the tourist allegedly enjoyed snorkeling, skied on Asian tuk-tukah and even visited a Buddhist temple.

In fact, photos were taken in her own pool, and the Asian student cooked herself. His hotel room deftly turned into a hotel room. It's interesting that even the girl's parents did not suspect anything, although they regularly communicated with her by Skype.

Returning from the "rest", the girl told the truth and showed a video about what she actually did all 5 weeks.

September 12, 2014
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