Many of those who watched the famous adaptation of the epic Tolkien's epic The Lord of the Rings, looking at the fabulous landscapes that passed before their eyes, sighed: "Where is this beauty, is there such a place on earth? "The answer is affirmative - there is such a place, and it's called New Zealand, it was there that the great film was shot . Two big islands - North and South - form the backbone of the country, Dunedin is on the South Island, in its eastern part, on the Otago peninsula . The population of 116, 5 thousand . residents makes Dunedin the fifth largest city in the country and the second largest in the South Island . Amazing nature - the sea, green hills, turning into an endless series of bluish mountains, clean sea air, that's it the main thing that attracts tourists here in . But do not think that in a relatively young city (the first settlement of Tucker appeared here in the 30s of the 19th century, and the official history begins in 1848 .) there is nothing to see . Wonderful monuments of architecture of the Victorian era, modern buildings, two universities, the most steep street in the world - this is not a complete list of what the city can offer its discerning guests . But, of course, the main "bait for tourists" here is the fabulously beautiful Bay of Milford Sound 260 km from city ​​.

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  • 1 How to get
    • 1.1 Search for air tickets to the city of Auckland (the nearest airport to Dunedin)
  • 2 Climate
  • 3 Cuisine
  • 4 Entertainment, excursions and attractions Dunedin
    • 4.1 @ Milford Sound
    • 4.2 New Zealand: South Island

How to get there

We must immediately warn you that Dunedin is the most remote point of the world from Moscow . True, it's a little consoling for the fact that a difficult fate shared with us also Berlin and London, but from this flight does not become shorter . Direct flights in Dunedin no, you need to fly either to Wellington or to Christchurch, the minimum number of transplants is 3 or 4, while Christchurch is on the South Island, and from it you can get to Dunedin by train, bus or taxi, and Wellington - in the North, so it will be necessary for him to go by ferry, and then again by the above-mentioned ground transportation . It lengthens the road, but there is a chance to admire the Southern Pacific Ocean on the one side of the Cook Strait and the Tasman Sea from the other . Where else you will see is this?

Search for tickets to the city of Auckland (the nearest airport to Dunedin)


"Roaring Forties", passing near Dunedin, affect its climate: there are frequent winds . However, the volcanic origin of the island, which turned most of it in the mountain range that protects the coast, also significantly affects the natural features of this area . Although it is colder here than on the North Island and even in Christchurch, the climate remains moderate: in summer it is +20 ... + 22 ° C and in winter - +11 ° C . We recommend you to come here in the summer, which in this hemisphere the parish on December-February . Winds are warm at this time, and precipitation is not protracted .

Book popular Dunedin hotels at the best prices

Bluestone On George from 8,845 rubles Dunedin 571 George Street St Leonards Lodge from 13,640 rubles Dunedin 1 Tui Street Saint Leonards Camp Estate from 21,414 rubles Dunedin 100 Camp Road, Otago Peninsula
Pacific Park Suites from 6,052 rubles Dunedin 22 - 24 Wallace Street, Maori Hill Adrian Motel from 7,309 rubles Dunedin 101 Queens Drive, St Kilda @Park Regis Dunedin from 5 075 rubles Dunedin 310 Princes Street
Sahara Guesthouse & Motel from 2 002 rubles Dunedin 619 George Street Kingsgate Hotel Dunedin from 5,261 rubles Dunedin 10 Smith Street Alcala Motor Lodge from 5,819 rubles Dunedin 704 George Street
Leviathan Hotel from 1 30 4 rubles Dunedin 27 Queens Gardens


The traditional cuisine of the ancient Maori is now almost lost, and immigrants from Europe brought here the culinary traditions of their peoples .But, since Dunedin - the settlement was originally Scottish, then Anglo-Saxon cuisine dominates the island .New Zealand - the world's most famous producer of meat and dairy products, some products come from the "roaring forties" and up to our latitudes, for example, the oil "Ankor" .The main varieties of meat are beef, lamb and pork .Of these, natural steaks and juicy roast beefs are cooked .Fish is also popular, in various forms, but with the indispensable fried potatoes, or its local likeness - sweetish ginger .In any restaurant you can taste oysters, crustaceans, lobsters and other seafood .

Nice and New Zealand cheese of the French type - brie, camembert, pale de-gl, Montagne-ble.

Desserts of New Zealand - a cake with whipped cream, a large round fruit pie and, again, unchanged cream, a variety of jams and dry traditional English cookies.

We must immediately warn you that Dunedin is the most remote point of the world from Moscow. True, it's a little consoling for the fact that Berlin and London share with us, but this does not make the flight shorter.

The main alcoholic drink of New Zealanders is beer, which is considered to be one of the best in the world, which is not surprising, since the main condition for the production of good beer is water .And in New Zealand to complain about the quality of water is not necessary - it is clean, of excellent quality because of the abundance of springs and springs .It's funny that some types of beer are produced directly in the brewery at the pub, where they are immediately sold .Nice and New Zealand wines, but their brands are unfamiliar to us, so when ordering it is better to ask the waiter before making a choice .There are also many winemaking products from South Africa and Chile .


Entertainment, excursions and attractions Dunedin

The architecture of Dunedin is well represented by the Victorian era and early modernity. The First Church, the Otayo Boys School, Larnac Castle are built by the famous New Zealand architect Robert Lawson. Interesting is the building of the railway station and the house of Olveston in the style of "good old England". As Otago University is located in the city, and 20 percent of its population are students, there are many art galleries here, the main one being the Public Gallery of Dunedin.

From the beauty of Milford Sound is breathtaking, it seems that you are in another world, where the line between reality and imagination is erased.

The main feature of the city is Baldwin Street, which is included in the Guinness Book of World Records due to its steepness, it goes up at a slope angle of 35 degrees.

And Dunedin is a recognized center of ecotourism, because practically in the city, not moving away from civilization, you can observe the colonies of penguins, seals and magnificent Royal albatrosses.

There is an abundance of entertainment in the city, the entertainment center of the company "Cadbury", especially located in their chocolate factory, is especially fond of uneven-aged tourists.

Milford Sound

260 km from the city is the pearl of the South Island - the extraordinary beauty of Milford Sound Bay, the fjord that the great singer of the Empire Rudyard Kipling called "the eighth wonder of the world." Coastal rocks reach 1,700 m in height, and for 400 meters go under the water, the width of the bay is 3 km. Here, a huge number of water cascades, falling from the slopes along the entire perimeter of the fjord. From this beauty is breathtaking, it seems that you are in another world, where the line between reality and fantasy is erased.