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A city that causes a lot of controversy in academia is 20 km south of the coast . This is an ancient port city of Tiahuanaco, once thriving on the shore of Lake Titicaca . Unfortunately, before We were only reached by the pyramid of Akapan ("artificial mountain"), the "standing stone" of Kalasasay with archaeological legend - the Gate of the Sun, built from huge stone boulders, a small underground temple and huge statues . The special charm of the neighborhood is acquired during the annual holidays . @ And when you leave, a pair of traditional Indian clothes woven of wool only here living alpacas and lamas .

 Entrance to Tiahuanaco, Peru  Tiahuanaco
Login in Tiahuanaco
 Wall Cluster, Tiahuanaco, Peru  Tiahuanaco
Wall Cladding, Tiahuanaco
 Statue, Tiahuanaco, Peru  Tiahuanaco
Statue, Tiahuanaco
 Tiahuanaco, Peru  Tiahuanaco
 Fragment of the wall, Tiahuanaco, Peru  Tiahuanaco
F wall segment, Tiahuanaco