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In Lisbon, there is the only museum in Portugal dedicated to the history of puppets and puppet theaters, and it is called a museum of puppets. Looking here, you will find yourself in a completely different world, whose inhabitants - funny and serious, sincere and cunning, ladies and gentlemen -.

doll puppets the museum for tourists run creative circles, you can make a doll with his own hands or to learn how to manage already existing.

The collection of the puppet museum includes not only Portuguese dolls but also dolls brought from Africa, India, Indonesia, Thailand, China and Vietnam. Each puppet has its own character and age (in the museum there are dolls that participated in medieval performances). At the same time you can get acquainted with the younger generation - the puppets involved in modern productions

Puppet Museum in Lisbon

Address: Lisboa, Rua Esperanca, 146

Hours: Tuesday - Sunday.. 10 am - 13 : 00, 14:00 - 18:00, closed: Monday. The museum is also closed: 1 January, 1 May, 24, 25 and 31 December (afternoon).

Entrance to the puppet museum in Lisbon: 7, 5 EUR, for children, pensioners (over 65) and students: 5 EUR, family ticket (for two adults and two children): 13 EUR

There are various thematic excursions in the museum, their cost is 1, 5 EUR per person

If time permits, you can try your hand at creating your own doll or learn the art of manipulating a puppet. Participation in such master classes will cost from 25 EUR per group to six people. But keep in mind that you need to book well in advance.

Prices on May 2014

 The building of the museum of puppets, Puppet Museum Lisbon  Puppet Museum Puppet Museum Puppet Museum
 museum building puppets puppets Interior Museum, puppet Museum Lisbon  puppet Museum puppet Museum puppet Museum
 Interior Marionette Museum Marionette Museum, Lisbon  Museum of puppets
Museum of puppets