Many believe that herring is exclusively Russian food. Meanwhile, true lovers of salted fish are Finns. And in Finland they are able to express their love for delicious food in their own way - in the form of a holiday. Every year in October, thousands of people come to Helsinki for the Herring Festival (also the Herring Festival).

For six days, the fish fair takes place in the capital. The place of action is the Market Square, it is on it that fishermen and traders establish their tents, here the fish of the last catch are brought this year. After the festival, the fishing season is declared closed. Often fish are sold directly from boats, without spreading it on the shelves.

Finnish herring is smaller than Russian and less salty in taste. The thing is that the salt content in the Baltic Sea is low.

The fish festival has an extensive history: the first fair was organized as far back as 1743. Permission to conduct the event was approved by a royal decree, and over the years the significance of the holiday only increased. Since 1980, the fair has been held annually. Prices for fish are set at the fair throughout the country.

The fish festival has a long history: the first fair was organized as far back as 1743. Permission to conduct the event was approved by a royal decree, and over the years the significance of the holiday only increased.

The guests of the holiday can not resist the aromatic, tart dishes: you can taste herring here, salted and lightly salted, and smoked, and with sauces and marinade , and with mustard, and even with sweet gravies, and for the original - and in its raw form.

At the festival, those who wish can enjoy plenty of other culinary masterpieces, not only with the degree of salting. Fish cakes and traditional soups: calakeitto (milk ear), as well as klimpisoppa (soup with dumplings) are in great demand.

However, the fair is not limited exclusively to fish tasting. It would seem, what else can you think of? And the resourceful organizers of the festival arranged even a competition - for the best pickled herring. Culinary contest "Dish-surprise" is no less interesting. The prize, as you might guess, goes to the most original chef. And at the fair you can ask for and buy handicrafts and woolen clothes.

The Fish Fair is open from 7 am to 7 pm from Monday to Friday and until 4 pm on Saturday.